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What is whaling in Cyber Security? [Examples & Prevention]

What is whaling in Cyber Security? [Examples & Prevention]

Whaling – a highly targeted cyber attack that focuses on individuals in top positions, such as CEOs, CFOs, or other executives, who are often referred to as “whales” due to their significance within the organization. Whaling attacks aim to deceive and manipulate these employees into taking particular actions, such as transferring funds, disclosing sensitive information, or clicking on malicious or spammy links.

Whaling – a type of cyber attack that specifically targets high-profile individuals like CEOs, CFOs, or top executives of an Organization.

Whaling phishing attacks are typically more sophisticated than generic phishing attacks because they often involve careful research and social engineering techniques to make fake/spam emails legitimate. Attackers may gather information about the aimed executive member from publicly available sources or previous data breaches to write convincing emails that are tailored to their interests and roles.

What are the Threats of Whaling in Cyber Security?

Cybersecurity threats encompass a diverse array of digital dangers that can compromise the security, confidentiality, and integrity of computer systems, networks, and data. These threats include malware such as viruses, worms, Trojans, and ransomware, which are designed to infiltrate systems and disrupt or steal data.
Phishing attacks leverage deceptive emails or messages to trick individuals into divulging sensitive information or taking malicious actions. Hacking incidents involve unauthorized access to computer systems, often exploiting vulnerabilities, while distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks flood networks with traffic to disrupt services. Insider threats pose risks from within organizations, where individuals may intentionally or accidentally compromise security. Social engineering manipulates human psychology to breach security, and zero-day vulnerabilities exploit undiscovered or unpatched software weaknesses. Data breaches expose sensitive information, and IoT vulnerabilities can lead to unauthorized access to interconnected devices, further complicating the landscape of cyber threats.

In this ever-evolving digital landscape, cyber threats continuously adapt and become more sophisticated. It is imperative for individuals, businesses, and governments adopt proactive cybersecurity measures, stay informed about emerging threats, and maintain robust security protocols to defend against these persistent and evolving dangers.

5 Examples of Whaling Phishing Attacks

Whaling attacks in cybersecurity often involve targeted, sophisticated email scams and impersonation attempts aimed at high-level executives or prominent individuals within organizations. Here are some examples of whaling attacks:

CEO Fraud or Business Email Compromise (BEC):

  • An attacker impersonates the CEO or a top executive and sends an email to the CFO, requesting an urgent wire transfer to a specified bank account for what appears to be a legitimate business reason.
  • The attacker may claim that the CEO is currently unavailable and that the matter must be handled discreetly and quickly, preventing the CFO from verifying the request.

Supplier Payment Scam:

  • The attacker impersonates a known supplier or vendor that the organization regularly does business with.
  • They send an email to the finance department, requesting a change in the bank account details for future payments.
  • The request appears legitimate, leading to payments being redirected to the attacker’s account.

Impersonating by a trusted third-party vendor:

  • The attacker poses as the organization’s legal counsel or an external attorney and sends a message to a senior executive.
  • They claim that legal action is pending against the company and demand immediate action, such as sharing confidential financial information or sending a settlement payment.

Tax Fraud Whaling:

  • The attacker sends an email posing as a tax authority or IRS official to the CFO or financial department.
  • The email may claim that there are issues with the company’s tax filings and request personal and financial information, which can be used for identity theft or financial fraud.

Board of Directors Scam:

  • The attacker impersonates a board member and sends an email to the CEO or CFO, requesting sensitive financial or strategic information.
  • They may claim the request is related to a confidential board meeting or a critical business decision.
  • The attacker creates a fake social media account, such as on LinkedIn, posing as a high-ranking executive.
  • They use this account to connect with employees and business partners to gather information or initiate further phishing attempts.

Credential Harvesting:

  • The attacker sends a convincing email claiming to be from the IT department, asking executives to update their login credentials on a fraudulent website that mimics the company’s login page.
  • Once the executives enter their credentials, the attacker gains access to their accounts.

Steps to Prevent Whaling Phishing Attacks

1. Educate employees about whaling

By providing comprehensive education and training on whaling attacks, you can empower your employees to become a strong line of defense against these sophisticated cyber threats. Here are some steps that could help you to educate your employees:

  • Conduct regular cybersecurity awareness training sessions for all employees, focusing on the risks associated with whaling attacks.
  • Ensure that executives and top-level management are actively involved in these training sessions to set a security-conscious tone for the organization.
  • Explain what whaling attacks are in simple terms. Describe how cybercriminals impersonate executives or trusted individuals to deceive employees into taking harmful actions.
  • Share real-life examples of whaling attacks, both successful and unsuccessful ones, to illustrate the tactics used by cybercriminals.
  • Use case studies or news articles to make the examples relatable.
  • Stress the importance of verifying the authenticity of email requests, especially those involving financial transactions or sensitive data.
  • Encourage employees to use multiple communication channels (e.g., phone calls) to confirm the legitimacy of high-risk requests.
  • Teach employees how to recognize red flags in emails, such as generic greetings, urgent requests, misspelled words, or suspicious sender addresses.
  • Emphasize that even seemingly minor inconsistencies can be warning signs.
  • Remind employees of the importance of protecting confidential information and to avoid sharing sensitive data via email unless they are certain of the recipient’s identity.
  • Establish clear reporting procedures for suspected whaling attacks or phishing attempts. Encourage employees to report incidents promptly to the IT or security team.
  • Promote the use of multi-factor authentication (MFA) to add an extra layer of security, making it more difficult for attackers to gain unauthorized access.
  • Keep employees informed about evolving cybersecurity threats, including new tactics used in whaling attacks.
  • Conduct periodic phishing simulations and tests, including whaling scenarios, to evaluate how well employees respond to potential threats.
  • Use these simulations as opportunities for additional training and reinforcement.
  • Ensure that your organization has clear and well-documented security policies and procedures, including those related to email authentication, financial transactions, and data protection.
  • Remind employees that cybersecurity is an ongoing process. Encourage them to stay vigilant and cautious in their daily activities.

2. Implement Cyber Security Guide for Employees

Implementing a cyber hygiene guide for employees is essential to promote good cybersecurity practices within your organization. Here’s a comprehensive guide you can use:

Password Security

  • Create strong, unique passwords for all accounts.
  • Use a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters.
  • Avoid using easily guessable information like birthdays or names.
  • Consider using a reputable password manager to store and generate passwords securely.
  • Change passwords regularly, especially for critical accounts.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

  • Enable MFA wherever possible, especially for email and sensitive accounts.
  • MFA provides an additional layer of security by requiring two or more forms of verification.

Email Security

  • Be cautious of unexpected emails or suspicious attachments.
  • Verify the sender’s email address, especially when receiving requests for sensitive information or financial transactions.
  • Avoid clicking on links or downloading attachments from unknown or unverified sources.
  • Report phishing attempts and suspicious emails to the IT or security team.

Device Security

  • Keep all devices (computers, smartphones, tablets) up to date with the latest security patches and updates.
  • Use reputable antivirus and anti-malware software.
  • Enable device encryption to protect data in case of theft or loss.
  • Lock your screen when leaving your workstation unattended.

Wi-Fi Security

  • Connect only to secure and trusted Wi-Fi networks.
  • Avoid using public or unsecured Wi-Fi networks for sensitive tasks.
  • Use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) when accessing company resources remotely.

Social Media Privacy

  • Be mindful of the information you share on social media platforms.
  • Adjust privacy settings to limit the visibility of personal information.
  • Be cautious of friend requests or connections from unknown individuals.

Data Handling

  • Treat sensitive data with care and follow company policies for data protection.
  • Avoid storing sensitive data on personal devices or in unsecured locations.
  • Use secure file sharing and collaboration tools for work-related data.

Physical Security

  • Secure your work area when not in use, including locking your computer and securing sensitive documents.
  • Don’t allow unauthorized personnel to tailgate into secure areas.

Software Downloads

  • Download software and apps only from reputable sources.
  • Avoid pirated or cracked software, as they often contain malware.

Reporting Incidents

  • Report any security incidents, breaches, or suspicious activities to the IT or security team promptly.

Training and Awareness

  • Participate in cybersecurity awareness training sessions regularly to stay informed about the latest threats and best practices.
  • Personal Devices and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device):
  • Follow company policies when using personal devices for work purposes.
  • Ensure these devices have proper security measures in place.


  • Regularly back up important data to a secure location, and test the restoration process.

Social Engineering

  • Be cautious of unsolicited phone calls, requests for information, or unexpected visitors.
  • Verify the identity of individuals before sharing sensitive information.

Respect Company Policies

  • Adhere to all company cybersecurity policies and guidelines.

3. Use Biometrics Technology to Defend Against Whaling Attacks

Biometric technology offers a high level of security and can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access, including whaling attacks.
Biometric technology refers to a set of methods and technologies used to identify or verify individuals based on their unique physical or behavioral characteristics. These characteristics are often used for security, access control, or authentication purposes. Biometric systems capture and analyze specific traits to confirm a person’s identity. Common biometric modalities include:

  • Fingerprint recognition
  • Facial recognition
  • Iris Recognition
  • Retina recognition
  • Voice Recognition
  • Palmprint Recognition
  • Behavioral Biometrics

By combining biometrics with other security measures and promoting a security-conscious culture within your organization, you can create a robust defense against such threats.
Using biometric technology to safeguard restricted areas is an effective way to increase security and prevent unauthorized access, including potential whaling phishing attacks. Biometric systems rely on unique physical or behavioral characteristics to verify a person’s identity.

Whaling in Cyber Security FAQs

What is whaling in cyber security?

Whaling in cybersecurity is a highly targeted form of phishing attack that focuses on senior or high-value individuals within an organization to steal sensitive information or perpetrate fraud.

How does whaling happen?

Whaling attacks happen when cybercriminals specifically target high-ranking individuals with convincing phishing emails, aiming to trick them into taking actions like transferring funds or sharing sensitive information. These attacks often rely on social engineering and impersonation tactics.

Why is whaling in cyber security dangerous?

Because it targets high-profile executives or individuals to access critical information or resources, potentially resulting in significant financial loss, data breaches, reputational damage, and harm to the organization’s overall security posture.

About Author

Bradley Morris

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